
Uan Aadhaar Link - How to Epf eKYC update at unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in

Uan aadhaar link at unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in - how to update aadhaar KYC EPFO Uan Unified portal iwu.epfindia.gov.in..

Unified portal unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in to update aadhaar details in simple proccess. How it is as shown in below. Uan - Aadhaar number link with uan online is mandatory.

EPFINDIA using an Aadhaar Card employees need to access the EPFO’s member portal and link their Aadhaar card and bank account details to it. EPF eKYC portal or Unified  portal - To update/ verify Aadhaar or KYC update in UAN login portal, you have to first register yourself and then login to the portal. If you have already registered, and have made a login on the portal, the process to be followed for updating and verifying Aadhaar is very easy for you.

Required documents for KYC:-
National Population Register , AADHAR ,Permanent Account Number ,Bank Account Number,Passport,Driving License ,Election Card ,Ration Card

Uan aadhaar link with epf/ uan number in two ways :

link your uan number with aadhaar through unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/ portal.
link Aadhaar with UAN using EPF eKYC Portal iwu.epfindia.gov.in

Uan Aadhaar link through unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in :
unified portal uan login : https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
  • Member can login in unified portal.
  • going to the 'Profile' menu and
  • selecting 'Update KYC Information' in the Member Portal.
  • The uploaded KYC document by the member will be approved by employer till then status of KYC will be shown as "Pending".
  • very soon it will be updated Successful.

How to link Aadhaar with UAN using EPF eKYC Portal iwu.epfindia.gov.in :

linking Aadhaar with UAN using EPF eKYC portal iwu.epfindia.gov.in . ONe thing In this process, employer is not involved. If there are any discrepancies (for example your name in UAN can be different to the name provided in Aadhaar), you need to get them corrected either in UAN (through your employer) or in Aadhaar information.
  • EPFindia website : http://www.epfindia.gov.in
  • go through Online Services section, select eKYC Portal.
  • EPFO eKYC portal, it will taken to new page the eKYC portal.
in this portal contains two sections.
1. EPFO field officer and
2. EPFO Member.
  • As you contribute to EPF you are a member. In EPFO member section click on LINK UAN AADHAAR.
  • You will be taken to a new page where you need to provide your UAN after the mobile number which is linked to UAN gets displayed.
  • click on Generate OTP , check your mobile.
  • Enter your OTP,
  • After successful OTP verification.
Unified portal uan login portal for more details : https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/ or https://www.epfindia.gov.in.