
EPF Passbook Download With Uan Number online passbook.epfindia.gov.in/MemberPassBook

Epf passbook statement download or Download epf Member Passbook Online (uan passbook)

Employee Provident Fund EPF passbook Download with UAn number official its website.Actually you can Download EPF passbook check with UAN number which means Universal Account Number. Actually UAn login user can check with your EPF balance online using the new epf passbook facility available on EPFO (epfindia.gov.in) website.one of the EPFO portal has launched the epf passbook facility for uanmembers which will include their updated ePF balance, EPF account status online etc. epfo new portal can lanched than can called EPF Passbook the account which allows members to download their epf passbook multiple times in a month.

EPFO member login can access epf passbook by using UAn on the EPFO website after getting themselves who had registered on the epfo portal. The registered EPFO members login can obtain the epf passbook after entering establishment code, PF number and member name as mentioned in the PF slip.

EPF passbook Download Procedure :

visit official website of EPF passbook : https://passbook.epfindia.gov.in/MemberPassBook/Login.jsp

by using your User name(Uan), Password and Captcha code to Login.
you need to login to the Member Portal by your UAN and password. Then go to the menu ‘Download’ and select ‘Download Passbook’. There is a link given to download PDF of this passbook also.
PDF of UAN passbook or epf passbook can be downloaded by selecting a link given for this particular task and accordingly, you can take a printout.

EPF passbook new facility :

1. This facility is to view the Member Passbook for the members registered on the Unified Member Portal.
2. Passbook will be available after 6 Hours of registration at Unified Member Portal.
3. Changes in the credentials at Unified Member Portal will be effective at this Portal after after 6 Hours.
4. Passbook will have the entries which has been reconciled at the EPFO field offices.
5. Passbook facility not be available for the Exempted Establishments Members / Settled Members / In Operative Members.

For More details visit official website of EPF member passbook : https://passbook.epfindia.gov.in/MemberPassBook/Login.jsp or https://www.epfindia.gov.in/site_en/